BOOK OF THE MONTH ... featuring CATS
Have a suggestion for a fiction or non-fiction "Book of the Month"? Email me with the title and author.
October 2017
Mr. Thomas writes a nationally syndicated humour column, is a scriptwriter and author of many books about many topics. In this book we learn about his adventures with his adopted (after he firmly set a NO MORE PETS rule into place) cat Weggie.
As a cat lover this book made me laugh out loud on more than a few occasions. I have not read any of Mr. Thomas’ other books, but will definitely be picking up more.
Physically it's not a big book, and it was readable in one afternoon so I guess this is a short review for a little book that has a huge entertainment value.

February 2017
Shop Cats of New York introduces forty of New York’s favorite felines—all who have an extraordinary story to tell. Popular cat blogger Tamar Arslanian and Instagram pet photographer Andrew Marttila capture these deeply loved and well cared for animals in their city habitat and reveal how they came to reign over their urban kingdoms.
A celebration of some of the city’s most revered citizens and a unique look at New York life, this enchanting illustrated volume is a must for every cat lover, and every Big Apple devotee. (from the book cover)
My review can be found HERE.

March 2017
While I believe Ms. Tucker has done very thorough research in writing this book I can not, because of personal experience with this amazing creature that is cat, quite bring myself to jump on the bandwagon of everything she has written … of course, that could be a touch toxoplasmosis talking? Read the book – you’ll understand.
Despite my minor misgivings I am still rating this book at 5 stars. Ms. Tucker managed to write a book jam-packed with information and make it a very enjoyable read that proves her flyleaf statement true “the correct reaction to a house cat isn’t ‘awwww’. It’s awe.”
My review can be found HERE.
April 2017
Sometimes you just have to read something light and fun, and if that something is told by two absolutely charming “talking” cats, well – all the better. This was my first introduction to Bob and his best buddy Farfel and it was cat-love at first read.
These stories will appeal to adults (especially those who love their feline fur babies) but are definitely G-rated and would make a great introduction to short chapter books for young readers. The illustrations will help bring the stories to life and the “cat dialogue” will be something to chuckle over as your youngster reads along.
Make sure to check out Ms. Carmichael's website and her blog … there’s all kind of awesome freebies available to give you a little sample of “Farfel and Bob”
My review can be found HERE.

May 2017
It’s a Wild West tale (tail?) with a twist – baseball and cricket have not been invented, nary a human to be found, dogs instead of horses and cats rule. If you were to cross John Wayne and James Bond you would get Elvis the Gunslinger. To all appearances he is a gentlecat rancher but the truth is he is a government agent – the best of the best.
This fun read got off to a bit of a slow start for me. I found myself rolling my eyes at the beginning – you really need to suspend reality for this book – but soon enough I was caught up in the elaborate kidnapping scheme, the witty repartee between Frank and Elvis, the twists and turns of the case and the very creative characters Mr. Connell has written about.
My review can be found HERE.
June 2017
Subtitled “the science and secrets of our mysterious feline companions” this book should be a must read for every self-proclaimed cat-person.
The book follows Augusta, who the author found abandoned on a cold Montana winter night, through the stages of her life with the McNamees and as he describes each milestone Augusta passes Mr. McNamee also shares his meticulous research about cats pertaining to the same subject matter.
Mr. McNamee has definitely done his homework to write this book. There were things in this book that I had not read in any of the other “cat” books I have explored. If you want to have a better understanding of the enigma that is the cat, this is one of the better books to start that journey.
My complete review can be found HERE.

July 2017
Move over Harvey ... Crenshaw takes the lead in imaginary friends.
First off I have to confess a VERY SERIOUS case of cover-love for this book. It’s why I chose to read this YA story and as it turns out I loved the story too. Jackson knew Crenshaw was an “imaginary” friend and surprisingly enough, Crenshaw knew it too. But when someone needs a friend to help him or her get through the tough times sometimes the imaginary kind is the best kind.
This is a wonderfully written book about love, family, friends, hard times and keeping everything together. The book is written for middle-graders and I would not hesitate to recommend it to child and adult alike. It’s a feel good book … because really? … How can anyone resist a 7-foot tall imaginary cat who loves to take bubble-baths?
My review can be found HERE.
August 2017
This short story was well written and a pleasure to read. The third story in a series I felt at a bit of a disadvantage at first not being privy to what "The Agency" was but as I read further I caught on quickly and fully enjoyed the story. There are some great elements of suspense and danger in this story, not overdone but written in such a way that I think it would make a perfect book for sharing with a youngster.
Ms. Oldaker is born and raised in Toronto, so I claim her as a "local author". A collection of her books are available in digital format, often at NO CHARGE, on Kobo, Amazon and Smashwords.
Kudos to J.B. Mann of “Fuzzballs Fuzzywinks Illustrations” because the charming drawings interspersed in the book are a wonderful surprise and an added bonus!

September 2017
Joe Grey is a big old tomcat that likes to sleep the day away in a patch of sunlight and carouse a little at night. One particular night he witnesses a murder and the assailant is very insistent to leave no witnesses. Not even a cat! Shortly after that strange things start happening … Joel discovers he suddenly has the ability to fully understand human speech … read … and, unbelievably – talk? He finds a (cute) feline with the same uncanny abilities but can they solve the crime before the mysterious murderer does them in? If you can suspend reality for a little while and you love stories about cats, this is a fun read. I found it a little slow at the start, but by the middle of the book I was hooked into the story enough to need to know the outcome.
I’m still not 100% certain about the series as a serious time investment but am definitely going to give the next book a try before I make up my mind.